Emma says she's ready to open a door but she can't actually do it. Nothing happens when she tries, usually when she goes to open a door when not ready it at least makes some weird half door thing appear but honestly nothing is happening when she attempts it this time. We've agreed to just try it tomorrow.
I'm getting worried, not even corner of my eye man is here, I've got a sinking feeling that this place isn't as sweet and pleasant as it appears to be. I could have sworn I heard giggling last night. I've also been seeing people, not like at the corner of my eye but every now and again, I'll look out of the window or into the distance when I'm outside and see a girl watching us, she's smiling, not a cheery smile but an unsettling one.
I need to tell Tom and Emma but there's nothing we can do about this until Emma is able to get us out of here so there's no point in worrying them. I'll keep watch for them, I mean how much harm could one girl be against the three of us?
Famous last words part II...
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