Monday, 1 April 2013


We've reached the edge of the city now. The outside of the city, is nothing. The edge just fades away into darkness. The three of us are... well, kind of worried because as you all know - at least I hope you know - cities are not supposed to just end like this. Tom being the genius he is, almost falls into this nothingness by trying to look underneath the city. With me and Emma grabbing onto his legs, he told us that the city is floating above this darkness, like it was a floating island.

This is probably a better time than any to write about Tom. He's fairly tall, he's taller than Emma and me, well taller than me right now. Black hair, dark skin, lazy expression. There's not really a lot to say about his looks in my opinion, Emma seems to disagree but I'm not going to get into that again.

Me and Emma stumbled across Tom when we kind of accidently teleported into his room, he kind of just stared and then made a joke. In our few days there, him and Emma had pretty much fallen for eachother so we brought him along with us. It took a few weeks for me to get used to him, but we became friends in the end.

Tom is not the brightest, by that I mean he's a moron. The problem is he never thinks about the repercussions, that looking under the city thing as an example. I let jealousy get in the way but I honestly Tom, is a good friend. He can be funny and caring and I'm pretty sure he would protect me and Emma if someone ever tried to hurt us. You hear that, corner of my eye man, I've decided that the figure in the corner of my eye shall be referred as a he now.

In terms of our abilities, Tom says that he has one, but he absolutely refuses to go any further into it than that, even to Emma. Sometimes I doubt that he does have one like me and Emma but that doesn't particuarly change my opinion of him, he accepts me and Emma despite the Eldritch crap that we do and to be honest, it's hard to find that kind of acceptance in someone...

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